Add Spice with a Head Scarf

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Hair scarfs have been around for as long as people can remember, and are used not only for fashion, but also for religious purposes. Wearing headscarves is an important symbol of modesty for many Muslim women, however there is a tendency to view head scarf-wearing women with prejudice based on their religious choices. It’s something that often goes unnoticed when headscarf wearing is done by non-religious women who suffer no consequences when accessorizing with one. Hair scarves were popularized in the 1950s by Hollywood icons such as Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. Symbolically they marked a certain level of status and being well put together, while they were also functional in keeping hair out of their faces. Today headscarfs are still enormously popular, especially among fashionable young women who use them to easily enhance any outfit while protecting their hair from the elements or simply having a bad hair day. Better yet, headscarfs come in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures, so anyone can find headscarf that suits their unique style and wardrobe! Overall head scarfs are here to stay and make it easier than ever to add spice to an everyday look without breaking the bank.

Find some of my favorite Head Scarfs hereScarf 1. // Scarf 2. // Scarf 3. // Scarf 4. // Scarf 5. 

Find some of my favorite Head Scarfs hereScarf 1. // Scarf 2. // Scarf 3. // Scarf 4. // Scarf 5. 


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